

[Broken] Railor[Broken] RailorLV 91[Giant] Red Plumber[Giant] Red PlumberLV 63[Influential] Knight Piya[Influential] Knight PiyaLV 30[Influential] Warrior Piya[Influential] Warrior PiyaLV 36[Land Type] High Nixie[Land Type] High NixieLV 70[Mutated] Aleph[Mutated] AlephLV 81[Naive] Incubus[Naive] IncubusLV 69[Skilled] Cleric Piya[Skilled] Cleric PiyaLV 29[Skilled] Mage Piya[Skilled] Mage PiyaLV 28[Violent] Sandy Windy[Violent] Sandy WindyLV 77AbucaAbucaLV 84AbyssAbyssLV 60Afro TreeAfro TreeLV 13AlephAlephLV 70Ala AlaAla AlaLV 189AnastasisAnastasisLV 105511LV 1001Baby BearBaby BearLV 31Bear F2Bear F2LV 181Bird RockBird RockLV 175Bird WifeBird WifeLV 164Black WoodBlack WoodLV 168Blood Worm-OBlood Worm-OLV 39Blue PlumberBlue PlumberLV 27Body of DullahanBody of DullahanLV 72Brown HorseBrown HorseLV 107Bubble DragonBubble DragonLV 87CankuraCankuraLV 88Chainsaw ZombieChainsaw ZombieLV 105Chaos GearChaos GearLV 110GarudaGarudaLV 197ChickenfonChickenfonLV 199Cleric PiyaCleric PiyaLV 14Cold AlephCold AlephLV 96Cold NixieCold NixieLV 99Computer Freak 2Computer Freak 2LV 207Conceited OstrichConceited OstrichLV 54Cool BoyCool BoyLV 68Cool GuyCool GuyLV 80Dragon Knight PiyaDragon Knight PiyaLV 97Cow BanderasCow BanderasLV 198Crack CrabCrack CrabLV 103Perverted HumbugPerverted HumbugLV 92CroccoCroccoLV 191CrowCrowLV 34Cute TurtleCute TurtleLV 168Dancing PumpkinDancing PumpkinLV 30Dark GarielDark GarielLV 96Dark MarielDark MarielLV 93Dark OwlianDark OwlianLV 90Dark WizardDark WizardLV 206Death Knight YamiDeath Knight YamiLV 95Devil CowDevil CowLV 99Doctor DooDoctor DooLV 184Intense SphinkscorIntense SphinkscorLV 104Dried WoodDried WoodLV 98DullahanDullahanLV 85DueiDueiLV 186Little SageLittle SageLV 112Elegant NixieElegant NixieLV 96Elegance Snow PrincessElegance Snow PrincessLV 100EyezEyezLV 51Fairy QueenFairy QueenLV 189FloraFloraLV 33Flying PigFlying PigLV 12Forest OgreForest OgreLV 47False AngelFalse AngelLV 99GarielGarielLV 115Ghost KnightGhost KnightLV 45Ghost MageGhost MageLV 42Ghost MidnightGhost MidnightLV 98Giant OctopusGiant OctopusLV 97Gloomy HumbugGloomy HumbugLV 32GloraGloraLV 35Golden PlumberGolden PlumberLV 45Defendine Golem Defendine Golem LV 194GorkGorkLV 150Grand MummyGrand MummyLV 143HandrockHandrockLV 172Happy Bah BahHappy Bah BahLV 25Head of DullahanHead of DullahanLV 42Hell DogHell DogLV 133HatchlingHatchlingLV 95High NixieHigh NixieLV 71Holy RoosterHoly RoosterLV 110Fierce BoxerFierce BoxerLV 102IncubusIncubusLV 78Joe the Kick BoxerJoe the Kick BoxerLV 26KinbaraKinbaraLV 73Knight PiyaKnight PiyaLV 19Knight of All-EvilKnight of All-EvilLV 1010Knight of DarknessKnight of DarknessLV 55Koala V2Koala V2LV 207LegionLegionLV 120Lizzard ManLizzard ManLV 108Macho ZombieMacho ZombieLV 137Mage PiyaMage PiyaLV 14Magical NixieMagical NixieLV 92Maid CatfishMaid CatfishLV 171Mama BearMama BearLV 33MarielMarielLV 118MarionetteMarionetteLV 124Meow-gicianMeow-gicianLV 61MeloaMeloaLV 113MudmonMudmonLV 191NepenthesNepenthesLV 192NixieNixieLV 24Normal GuardNormal GuardLV 187NyxNyxLV 94OhmOhmLV 1015Papa BearPapa BearLV 40Passionate ServanPassionate ServanLV 102PeroaPeroaLV 72Brown ScorpyBrown ScorpyLV 191Platinum PlumberPlatinum PlumberLV 86PumpistoPumpistoLV 45Queen BeeQueen BeeLV 114Raised CowRaised CowLV 209Ravaged Worm-ORavaged Worm-OLV 90Rayshark the 2ndRayshark the 2ndLV 107Rayshark the 3rdRayshark the 3rdLV 93Raywell the 1stRaywell the 1stLV 104Red PlumberRed PlumberLV 11Royal Warrior of DarknessRoyal Warrior of DarknessLV 103Royal Knight of DarknessRoyal Knight of DarknessLV 108Rusty GolemRusty GolemLV 95Rusty Teddy MelterRusty Teddy MelterLV 141Saint CowSaint CowLV 115SaloaSaloaLV 64Samba CactusSamba CactusLV 52StormStormLV 105SandraSandraLV 190Sandy WindySandy WindyLV 58ScorpyScorpyLV 52Scorpy the GeneralScorpy the GeneralLV 90Sergeant ScorpySergeant ScorpyLV 74ServanguyServanguyLV 160Shrewd TurtleShrewd TurtleLV 178Silky Joe the BoxerSilky Joe the BoxerLV 23SirenSirenLV 176SkulloSkulloLV 56SolarSolarLV 83SolarisSolarisLV 189Soul CollectorSoul CollectorLV 153Soul Collector MK2Soul Collector MK2LV 1035Sphin-x-corSphin-x-corLV 100SphinkySphinkyLV 180Steel GolemSteel GolemLV 51GustGustLV 199SuccubusSuccubusLV 75Super RockerSuper RockerLV 109Super Steel GolemSuper Steel GolemLV 55TNT SkulloTNT SkulloLV 95TarantulaTarantulaLV 34Tarantula BenTarantula BenLV 48Tarantula QueenTarantula QueenLV 50Teddy MelterTeddy MelterLV 193Titan SkullTitan SkullLV 70Traveling Cat in BootsTraveling Cat in BootsLV 39Hugy Crack CrabHugy Crack CrabLV 105Warrior KinbaraWarrior KinbaraLV 80Warrior of DarknessWarrior of DarknessLV 60White Stiff HorseWhite Stiff HorseLV 67Wolfman BeyondWolfman BeyondLV 130Wood WoodWood WoodLV 110WoodreaperWoodreaperLV 169Strong Afro TreeStrong Afro TreeLV 111Ocean HumbugOcean HumbugLV 97Heartless CankuraHeartless CankuraLV 103Tricky HumbugTricky HumbugLV 102Fierce KinbaraFierce KinbaraLV 100Abysmal ArmorAbysmal ArmorLV 100[Frightend] Zombie[Frightend] ZombieLV 201「Experienced」Pedron「Experienced」PedronLV 155「Hard」Giant Beetle「Hard」Giant BeetleLV 164[Mad Warrior] Cankura[Mad Warrior] CankuraLV 182「Rustic」Cervantes「Rustic」CervantesLV 170「Violent」Pedron「Violent」PedronLV 157Honest HumbugHonest HumbugLV 100[Fanatic] High Nixie[Fanatic] High NixieLV 85Queen MeroaQueen MeroaLV 80Strong Titan SkullStrong Titan SkullLV 152[Protector]Cankura[Protector]CankuraLV 156Lizzard WarriorLizzard WarriorLV 159Goalato DummyGoalato DummyLV 203Serious AbucaSerious AbucaLV 205[Storng] NewBeetle[Storng] NewBeetleLV 204Storm KinbaraStorm KinbaraLV 165Monkey KingMonkey KingLV 187Giant WormGiant WormLV 211Timid Rocking HorseTimid Rocking HorseLV 185Sniffing CroccoSniffing CroccoLV 184Twin BladeTwin BladeLV 214[Frenzied] Pedron[Frenzied] PedronLV 202Goliath Teddy MelterGoliath Teddy MelterLV 217Metal GolemMetal GolemLV 190Royal GaudianRoyal GaudianLV 139Kungfu BokKungfu BokLV 100Hot Blooded RockHot Blooded RockLV 101Buzzing Queen BeeBuzzing Queen BeeLV 205MalicenMalicenLV 94Afro RockAfro RockLV 92NotorsoniaNotorsoniaLV 205Fear of AbiousFear of AbiousLV 171[Rascal] Pedron[Rascal] PedronLV 127Giant Rusty GolemGiant Rusty GolemLV 145Nonsense HatchlingNonsense HatchlingLV 131[Stubbom] Koala[Stubbom] KoalaLV 147Rascal Rabbit in SpartaRascal Rabbit in SpartaLV 135Violent King of DeathViolent King of DeathLV 125Mariel of Black WingsMariel of Black WingsLV 167Heartless AmarielHeartless AmarielLV 173


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